Lucky Dog

This is Lucky. Another volunteer with Vicky stopped by so that I could take a picture of him and put his info on Petfinder. Lucky's a neglect / abuse case. Apparently his previous owner sprayed something in his eyes. It's not known what it was but when Vicky first got him his eyes were shut and oozing. The vet didn't know if he would make it. But he has been getting drops in his eyes, can see, and is expected to make a full recovery.
The earliest we will be fostering again is the end of next week. Since we've had so many different dogs recently we wanted to give Beacon and Haven some extra time to "recover". They're a lot more relaxed when it's just the two of them, especially right after a foster dog is adopted.
There's a chance we'll be getting a 30lb dog. He or she is a return. The person or family who has this dog now will be moving in a month or two and either can't or don't want to take the dog with them. A busy schedule doesn't allow for spending much time with the dog.
Of course between now and the end of next week who knows what will be going on with Vicky. She's always having to juggle what dogs are coming in and where they'll be placed.
There has been a string of returned dogs lately. The only good thing about this is that Vicky gets multiple adoption fees for one dog and often gets some supplies that are returned with the dog, which helps offset costs.
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